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Her father is into more popular music, but she's always loved the music on her mother's side. Down that line is old Irish blood and she has a thing for reels and jigs. This is where the fiddle came from. Her father gifted her a violin after a spate of pranks involving changing the tunes on his sound board in the studio to classical strains. It was meant to be a joke, and her mother joined the fun by scooping the instrument up and spinning out Music for a Found Harmonium, her father doing a quick step dance on the spot, swinging herself and her siblings around. You can imagine the fun. She was absolutely enchanted. She prefers to play with her brother, who has a solid hand on the guitar, or at the coffee house she frequents with a group of friends. Playing solo she finds that she slips into sad songs. She has a clear, deep singing voice and can pull tears from a stone with that and her instrument, but something about the turning of a happy fiddle into an emotional violin breaks her heart.

She has no deep emotional turmoil. Her family is a happy one, and her parents were devoted both to each other and the kids. She grew out of the petty jealousy she had for her siblings talents, and is generally pretty easy-going. The sibling she's closest to, Evaline, has a broad current of insecurity that manifests in bouts of anxiety and depression, so Avenue is no stranger to that sort of thing She's grown practiced at smoothing ruffled feathers and helping Evaline weather the storm while knowing that most times it's a waiting game until the low feelings taper off. She doesn't resent that others sometimes have a note that's off-key inside themselves, and, like giving a gift, finds some satisfaction in offering comfort and a stable, strong shelter.

She loves her music, but shies away from competition and views a career in music as cut-throat and void of the joy she has in it. Ave works at a plant nursery. You know, one of those places on the side of the road with rows and rows of pots of every beautiful, leafy, flowering, bushy type of vegetation you could imagine. She's a bit OCD, so keeping things in order by righting fallen pots, weeding, watering, pruning, etc is very satisfying to her. Her pet project is a shady little corner of butterfly and humming bird attractive flowers. The first humming bird she saw took her breath away, and she's been working on building up a steady supply of plants for that area to tempt clients into creating a little nook for delicate beauty in their own yards.




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